Shares of Anupam Rasayan India (ARIL) rallied 7 per cent to hit a six-month high of Rs 859 on the BSE in Wednesday’s intra-day trade. In the past two trading days, the stock of the specialty chemicals company has soared 15 per cent. It was quoting at its highest level since September 12, 2022. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.17 per cent at 58,172, at 01:36 pm.
ARIL is one of the leading companies engaged in the custom synthesis (CSM) and manufacturing of specialty chemicals in India. The speciality chemicals major has two verticals, life science
ARIL is one of the leading companies engaged in the custom synthesis (CSM) and manufacturing of specialty chemicals in India. The speciality chemicals major has two verticals, life science